Annual Report, Accounts & Strategic Plan

November 24, 2022

We held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 16th November at our Head Office. Our Board of Trustees presented the Annual Report, Annual Accounts and shared our Strategic Plan.

Our Annual General Meeting is an opportunity to reflect on our successes and challenges of the past year and it is a requirement of our constitution to hold this event. Our Chair of the Board of Trustees and Heads of Service present the key achievements and challenges as well as the financial picture.

This year we are also looking ahead as to what Carolina House Trust could achieve for our young people in the future and we have confirmed our Strategic Plan for 2017 to 2022. We have reflected on what we achieved in the last plan and how are measuring up to the Scottish care review findings and recommendations set out in The Promise. We worked with our staff, carers, the Board and young people at events to bring together all our views and aspirations for CHT and have published our plan on how we can achieve even better outcomes for the organisation and our young people.

You can read our Annual Report, Annual Accounts and the Strategic Plan on the Governance section of our website.