Annual Report, Accounts & Strategic Plan – March 2022 to April 2023

November 21, 2023

We held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 16th November 2023 at our Head Office. Our Board of Trustees presented the Annual Report, Annual Accounts and shared our Strategic Plan.

Our Annual General Meeting, which forms part of our governance arrangements, is an opportunity for our community to come together and reflect on our performance over the previous year.

Our Chair of the Board of Trustees and our Leadership Team presented our key achievements and challenges, as well as the financial picture, for the period April 2022 to March 2023.

We also reflect on our progress against the outcomes set out in our current Strategic Plan as well as look ahead as to what Carolina House Trust can achieve but harnessing our Growth Mindset ethos to help our staff, carers and young people achieve.

You can read our Annual Report, Annual Accounts and the Strategic Plan on the Governance section of our website.