Foster with Us | Become a Foster Carer | Carolina House Trust

Foster with us

Why foster with us?

Established in 1815 we have been looking after children for over 200 years. Times and methods have changed but our intention to provide high quality care has not.

Today we offer family-based care for children and young people who cannot stay with their own families. We support foster carers to provide safe and nurturing homes to vulnerable young people.

What we offer:

Assessment and matching

Support and training


Fees & allowances

CHT Community

Change a young person's life, foster with us.

Complete our application form and one of the team will be in touch.

Got any questions about fostering?

If you have any questions about host families and separated children please get in touch and we’d be happy to discuss.

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Fostering FAQs

Fostering & Continuing Care

Foster with us