Providing a positive student placement

March 2, 2023

CHT regularly offers placements to Social Work and Community Learning & Development students at the University of Dundee. We are pleased to share some lovely feedback from the students leaving us this week. 

We recently welcomed Alfie and Shannice for a three-week observation placement to get a feel for a professional setting prior to embarking on a longer Social Work placement in their 3rd year.  We enjoyed their enthusiastic contributions to discussions and commend them for getting involved with the team. They shared some thoughts about their time with us before they left.


“We have both thoroughly enjoyed our placement at Carolina House, we have been welcomed with open arms and made to feel included. As this was our first placement, we were extremely nervous but excited.

We were eager to see how a social worker does their job on a daily basis. We were also hoping to expand our general knowledge, one area of this being assessments and how they are undertaken in practice.

We found the growth mindset session very beneficial, and it is evident that the organisation works with a growth mindset, also. We found this satisfying as we feel it is positive to bring this, not only into practice, but into the foster carers and children’s lives.

Our experience at Caroline House has been a very positive one and we cannot wait to bring our knowledge back to the class. We will be sure to champion the hard work and dedication of the Carolina House team along the way as it feels like one big family, and we have felt this throughout our time here.

We have learnt a lot throughout our 3 weeks of being here and are extremely grateful for everyone in the team sharing their knowledge with us. Thank you for having us, we feel very lucky to have had this experience.

– Shannice & Alfie.”