Support for young people and carers: Siblings Reunited

April 13, 2023

Our team regularly learn about and visit other organisations that can offer support to our young people and carers. Our support workers visited Siblings Reunited in Fife and Chelsey reports back. 


A collage of photos of the outdoor space at STAR.

When Natalie and I visited Siblings Reunited (STAR) in Fife we found out about all the wonderful things they do to help young people reunite with siblings they have become separated from through kinship care, foster care and adoption.

STAR helps children and young people find siblings they have once known or never known. They work together with other professionals to gather as much information as they can about the young person’s background to create their family tree in the hope they will find their long-lost siblings. Young people who have made contact with their siblings and families are supported to arrange a meeting at STAR and begin building relationships in a safe, friendly and nurturing setting. Staff at STAR will support all siblings and families through their journey.

STAR is located in Fife. They have a lovely outdoor setting with a farm feel. They also have a park on site, a wooded area and a beach to explore.