The law on data protection gives you a right to ask to see information held by the Trust about you, unless there is a good reason for not disclosing it.
Asking for this information is called making a subject access request. If you want to access personal information about yourself, please use the Request for Access to Personal Information/Subject Access Request form.
We will get in touch with you and ask for proof of who you are. We may also ask you for more details to help us find the information you are interested in.
We will respond to you within one calendar month.
We may withhold information if it gives details about another person. There are other reasons why the law may allow us to withhold information.
There is no charge for a Subject Access Request.
If you are not happy with our response or how we dealt with your request, you can ask the council for a review or you can ask the Information Commissioner’s Office (link to to investigate.
More information is available on data protection is available on the Scottish Information Commissioner’s website. (link to
If you want to access personal information held by the organisation about a deceased person, please use the Request for Access to Records of Deceased Person form.
We will get in touch with you and ask for proof of who you are and other details to help us find the information you are interested in.
Who has right of access?
We will ask you for confirmation that the individual is in fact deceased, such as:
We will respond to you within one calendar month.
We may withhold information if it gives details about another person. There are other reasons why the law may allow us to withhold information.
There is no charge for this request.
If you are not happy with our response or how we dealt with your request, you can ask the council for a review or you can ask the Information Commissioner’s Office to investigate.
More information is available on data protection is available on the Scottish Information Commissioner’s website. (link to
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